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These are samples of writing journals I have done for this class. They are simple practices to help our writing, analyzing, and to help our understanding of the readings. 

(Click the journal title to navigate to the full text)

Writing Journals. 





This was my first journal entry, and I feel it was one of my best. I understood this article the most and found it thoroughly interesting. It also helped me better form an understanding of literacy. 

I think this was one of my best journals. Even though it was a bit of a complicated read, I was beginning to better comprehend the articles after rereading any I had a hard time understanding. I think this is one that I took some of the most time on.

On this journal I feel I could have done better. I did not completely understand the article but I also did not put as much effort into understanding it as I did with some others. From what I did understand though, I felt like I learned quite a bit about discourse communities and what ones I may be a part of. 

On this journal I really did have difficulty understanding the article. I read it multiple times, bit still only got a broad understanding of what it was talking about. I tried my best though to analyse what I was supposed to get out of it and feel like it came out pretty good for a journal I hardly understood. 

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